I’m working with women who are frustrated with quick fixes and basic blood tests that only focus on individual organs. Your health isn’t just a number on a report—your story and voice matters. Let’s run a comprehensive blood panel that digs into the root causes of your symptoms and reviews your lifestyle, stress, habits, nutrition, and fitness, so you get a whole-picture approach rather than isolated treatmentsYou've come to the right place because you now understand that your body works like a whole system.

Over the next 30 days…

Well assess your lifestyle , nutrition and fitness in your first 30 minute call and send you a comprehensive blood panel to get run by your doctor. (If your doctor is willing) If you live in NY we do have Doctors, P.A’s that will take care of you and get everything you need done (no added charge). If you live in CA, Florida and NJ you can reach out to our partner Dr. Keith Berkowitz ($500) who will provide you with a full 1 hour consult to discuss pre blood work and run the blood work under your insurance IF NEEDED.


(1) Identify Your Current Situation “Audit your Life”

Its not a pill, its not another diet or plan it's learning more about YOU FIRST. The first thing we do is help you determine what is happening in your body and see if your lifestyle, stress, nutrition etc how and why it's affecting you.

Discover what is logical and understandable first before jumping to spend thousands of dollars on other quick fixes.

(2) Run a comprehensive blood panel

This part is where it all happens you get sent a list of blood work to run and part of this process we will determine what supplements to discontinue or lifestyle changes to leave in depending on goals so we can get definitive results and not false positives or negatives.A comprehensive panel will consist of metabolic, thyroid , liver , CBC, Adrenal , Kidneys, hormones, etc. to help us understand function and plan of action with your diet, supplements, lifestyle etc. This is NOT just about the numbers on the paper but you as a human being ,your symptoms tell a story.

(3) Find the Gaps + Create Clarity

Would you believe me if I told you ,you have all the answers. I remember when so many of my clients were told to take this and this supplement without ever understanding why and nobody has ever audited their nutrition and lifestyle with their blood work. Or even so they were told they needed to cut out carbs or do a juice cleanse to lose weight because their liver enzymes were high only to gain the weight back a week later because they didn’t ask them about their lifestyle and identify their stressors physical and emotional. If you want to stop band aiding you need to first understand your daily life patterns so that you can gain control back over your health



When you sign up, you get a custom 1-1 onboarding call (45 mins) with me, to map out:

  • Your current eating habits (know exactly your current eating habits to determine your calorie , macro and micronutrient needs)

  • Your sleep, stress and other factors that affect your health and body

  • Is your workout routine affecting your hormones or goals

  • The long and short term goals: What symptoms are you looking to improve , what goals do you want to work on, physique , weight loss, hormones , gut health etc. (let’s understand what steps you need to get to where you want to be in order of priority)

🩸PHASE 2: Run a Comprehensive Panel to fill the gaps

After your call you'll receive a panel to get done.

Now that we audited your current situation, we move onto understanding , building your roadmap to health.

We will fine tune and fill the gaps on the story and how you got here in the first place because it is going to help us determine the steps on how to get out.

💡 PHASE 3: Find the gaps + Create Clarity

You now have the inputs to understand the messages(bloodwork) Blood work provides critical insights into your body's health status, revealing potential deficiencies, imbalances, or risks that may not be visible through lifestyle alone.

You have the life audit= daily choices in nutrition, exercise, and stress management act as preventative measures for long-term health

This is all about how we rewrite the story , understand the gaps of what needs support overall.

What do we do from here?Hold you accountable to the ACTION STEPS

After blood work returns, we will have a custom 1-1 check in (60 min) to review your blood work and ask you more questions to understand how to put all the puzzle pieces together . You will receive a detailed outline report of our sessions together with explanation of each blood work marker and session note details on what needs support. Step outline on what working with us would look like.

After that...

You can continue with us with a 3-6-or 12 month commitment plan

We’re in this for the long haul (and hope you are too).


and the best part :

My 3 Step Process to →lose weight for good and optimize gut health and hormones .  

Nutrition Course via SKOOL APP →  

  • Learn the basics of human anatomy and physiology to understand how your body functions and what it needs for optimal health.

  • Discover the macronutrients and micronutrients essential for your body, how they affect your health, and how to balance them in your diet and what foods work for you

  • Implement practical lifestyle changes that enhance your well-being, including stress management, sleep hygiene, and physical activity tips.

Recipe database: Recipes that support your gut health and hormones , help you lose weight or maintain your healthy lifestyle

2 (60 minute) custom 1-1 calls to

  • Set short term goals to accomplish and get to long term goal Detangle limiting beliefs, childhood traumas, unhealthy patterns

  • Detangle all the myths , limiting beliefs and your relationship with food and health

  • Create action steps to support your emotional and physical health

  • Build custom supplement , lifestyle, workout and nutrition plan

Group Support → community to share & learn from other amazing women who are on the same journey as you , groups help you learn from each others struggles , get meal ideas , share recipes , gain insight on different ways to support your health journey . Every day we have a schedule and system that helps you stay on track and be successful with your nutrition plan so you aren’t spending hours in the kitchen.

1:1 Chat Support + Weekly Check Ins(Via Whats App) → ongoing support DAILY throughout the week so we can work through struggles learn from them and come up with ways to make you confident and empowered with how to best support yourself through your journey

& Seasonal Bonuses


Step 1: Apply Here

Step 2: Enrollment is currently open so you will be able to apply & book a complimentary intro call at the same time to discuss the roadmap we built and see if it’s the right fit.

Step 3: We will review your application and discuss on your call